Brave is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated fantasy adventure film, It was written by Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman and Irene Mecchi, directed by Andrews and Chapman and co-directed by Purcell.starring
Kelly Macdonald,Julie Walters,Billy Connolly,Emma Thompson,andKevin McKidd,the film release date
June 10, 2012(Seattle International Film Festival)June 22, 2012 (United States),
Director : Mark Andrews,Brenda Chapman
Stars : Kelly Macdonald,Julie Walters and Billy Connolly
Genre : Animation /Comedy/ Action
Release Date : 22 June 2012
Brave is the story of Princess Merida, voiced by Kelly MacDonald. Her
parents, King Fergus and Queen Elinor are voiced by Billy Connolly and
Emma Thompson. The story is set in the Scottish Highlands and the Brave
concept art released so far suggests that the Pixar animators are
aiming to capture the landscape in all its mysterious majesty.
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